American Food
About Us
If any Carmel restaurant deserves the term ''icon,'' it's Katy's Place. This gem was created in 1982 by well-known restaurateur Katy Curry and purchased seven years later by current owner Randall Bernett—and in a twist of fate, Randall's wife Katherine (known as Katy) is also active in the restaurant's operation.
''Our food style is American, but the recipes are derived from my imagination, family members and my travels,'' Randall says. ''The menu has vastly expanded over the years. The Lobster Benedict and Kauai Kombo are stimulated quite obviously by New England and Hawaii, but many other dishes are out of the American south, or from my wife's mother Audrey, or my grandmother Amanda, both of whom were fabulous cooks.''
Katy's is known for its Eggs Benedict, and there are more than twenty varieties on the menu. ''We extol this dish by calling Katy's Place 'The Capital of Eggs Benedict,''' Randall says proudly.