About Us
Esalen is more than a retreat center or an educational institute. Anchored by the inspiring beauty of Big Sur and an unparalleled intellectual history, Esalen is a world-wide network of seekers who look beyond dogma to explore deeper spiritual possibilities; forge new understandings of self and society; and pioneer new paths for change.
We envision a world where…
Esalen is a major catalyst in the transformation of humankind, working with individuals and institutions to integrate body, mind, heart, spirit, and community in a nurturing relationship with the environment.
Our Mission is to ...
Be a leading center for exploring and realizing human potential through experience, education, and research.
Work toward the realization of a more just, creative, and sustainable world, seeking answers to questions unlikely to be explored by traditional universities and religions.
Sponsor pioneering initiatives and offer personal, spiritual, and social transformation programs for residents, interns and workshop participants.
At Esalen we value...